Join the Debate: AI in Business and Social Law - Lunch hosted by FAIB on February 20, 2024

Posted the 13 February 2024
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On 20 February 2024, Me Christophe Delmarcelle will have the pleasure of hosting a lunch-debate organised by the FAIB (Federation of European and International Associations established in Brussels) on the Implementation and use of AI in companies - Social law...

On 20 February 2024, Me Christophe Delmarcelle will have the pleasure of hosting a lunch-debate organised by the FAIB (Federation of European and International Associations established in Brussels) on the Implementation and use of AI in companies - Social law aspects.

The use of AI related tools and software’s at the workplace does indeed trigger labor related questions which will be summarized and discussed during this lunch-Debate.

How to implement it, whether you need to inform and consult the employees, can you motivate a termination because you replace an employee by AI or can you terminate an employee who made use of it against policies are amongst those questions that will be covered. Labor, health and safety, confidentiality, termination rules, privacy aspects will be debated.

For those who wish to register :

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