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InsightsPress articles
Civil Servants, Under Statute or Contract (Trends 26-12-2024)
The gradual contractualization of civil servants has been a reality for over a decade at all levels of government. However, the question of the definitive abolition of the famous "statute" of civil servants justifies a societal debate and undoubtedly a reminder of certain truths about this statute and the comparison with a permanent employment contract (CDI).
By Christophe DelmarcelleCaught in the Act… of Taking Vacation (Echo 21-5-2024)
DEL-Law nominated for the second year in a row at the HR Excellence Awards 2025
Volkswagen plans to cut wages by 10% is this legal?
Published in L'Echo |Colloquium Tuesday, September 24: ‘The RGPD, a controversial weapon: using data protection in your civil, social and criminal proceedings, ...’
The situation is getting worse between management and workers at Audi Brussels. Blockades, confiscation of keys, lockouts - are they legal?
Monitoring teleworking: can your employer use monitoring software?
Published in L'Avenir |Surveillance abuse Amazon
Beware of penalties if you inappropriately monitor your employees. The conviction in France of Amazon for inappropriately monitoring its employees reminds Belgian companies of the severe penalties awaiting them if they breach the GDPR.
By Christophe DelmarcelleTake part in the debate: AI in business and employment law - Lunch organised by FAIB on 20 February 2024
Compensation and Salary Benefits, Stop or Continue (Echo - 17-01-2024)
Replacement of an employee by AI, unreasonable? (Trends - 14-09-2023)
Can a recording of a Teams video conference be presented in court? (Trends - 14-09-2023)
Disciplined or Terminated for Using ChatGPT? (Echo 8-7-2023)
Published in L'Echo |Delhaize, Terminating a Company Collective Agreement, Is It Legal? What are the Consequences? (Trends 23-2-2023)
Published in Trends 23-2-2023 |Social elections it is already time to think about it... (Trends 11-10-2022)
Infanticide and termination of the employment contract (Echo 30-11-2022)
Published in L'Echo 30-11-2022 |Does your employer have the right to monitor you while working remotely? (ECHO June 10, 2022)
Which right to a leave to find another job? (Trends 26-5-2022)
Published in Trends |Notice Compensation, Lump-Sum Premium, and Optimization: Issues at the Intersection of Employment Law and Pension Law
A Russian worker facing discrimination could file a complaint in Belgium (Echo 25-3-2022)
Blocked in Ukraine? What are the implications for employers and employees? (Echo 8-3-2022)
Published in Echo |Can you retrieve the company car after two months of sickness leave? (Trends 24-2-2022)
Published in Trends |Tax regime for impatriate workers: A change intended to save money that will actually cost Belgium dearly, both financially and in terms of international competitiveness (Echo 18-1-2022)
What with the electronic employment contract? (Trends - 15-4-2021)
Published in Trends |The electronic signature is very framed. Reminder of important points to watch out for. Attention, a complex subject in Belgium where nothing is ever simple ...
By Christophe Delmarcelle
In the event of a social inspectorate control, can the employer representatives remain silent or refuse to give documents? (Trends 15-7-2021)
Published in Trends |Can strikers block warehouses? (Trends 30-9-2021)
Published in Trends |The employer has the right to unilateraly amend the terms of the hospitalisation insurance (Echo 9-11-2021)
Published in Echo |Privacy – New Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC)
Bad weather has severely affected many Belgians. It's time for employers to remember that they can help workers by granting them a tax and social security-exempt benefit (Trends, 29-7-2021)
Published in Trends |During a social inspection, can employer representatives remain silent or refuse to provide documents?
Published in Trends |In the case of Fornieri, can an indictment justify breaking off the relationship?
As part of the ‘Nethys’ judicial wave, François Fornieri, current CEO of the listed pharmaceutical company Mithra, was charged on Friday and placed under arrest. The charges relate in particular to misuse of corporate assets...
By Christophe DelmarcelleFired by WhatsApp, SMS, Messenger, internal messaging, email or via Teams or Zoom videoconferencing... is this legal?
Can an employer legally "phase" planned layoffs to avoid the information and consultation procedure required in the case of collective redundancies, known as the "Renault Law"?
When the state bends tax rules to support teleworkers
Unofficial coordination of the Ministerial Order of November 28, 2020, compared to the Ministerial Orders of November 1 and November 30, 2020
Our unofficial coordination of the COVID Ministerial Order of October 18, 2020, with the amendments as applicable on November 28, 2020, and the previous orders of October 18, October 23, October 28, and November 1, 2020, highlighted.
By Christophe DelmarcelleRemote recruitment
Smart kilometric tax in Brussels, should the employer pay if it was to be implemented?
Published in Fleet |When the employer maintains the email address of one of this former employees...
Published in L'Echo |When will we see a realistic discourse of "tears, sweat and blood"?
Heatwave, work, maximum temperature... What are the employer's obligations?
It's hot, so hot... work is becoming hell, but what should my employer do? In these days of prolonged heatwaves, where temperatures have been in excess of 30 degrees for several days, it's a good time to remember that the French law of 4 January...
By Christophe DelmarcelleNew crackdown on data transfers to the USA
Published in L'Echo |At a time of cascading bankruptcies, layoffs, and closures, a bit of decency nonetheless...
By Christophe DelmarcelleWhat measures should be taken in view of robotization?
Which terms and conditions of employment can be changed unilateraly by the employer?
With the coronavirus crisis, all types of changes to working conditions have been made: workplaces, working hours, salaries, processes, roles – with some employees being 'reassigned' to other tasks... But can the employer unilaterally change these conditions?
By Christophe DelmarcelleTemporary unemployment - Can you pay a top up? ( Trends - 23-4-2020)
Published in Trends |Un employeur propose un complément aux allocations de chômage temporaire de ses employés. Comment est-ce traité au plan fiscal et social ?
By Christophe DelmarcelleWhen teleworking is not possible. The questions to ask (Trends - 26-3-2020)
Published in Trends |La décision de confinement prise par le gouvernement génère encore des questions pour ceux qui restent sur leur lieu de travail.
By Christophe DelmarcelleAll hands on deck: how companies can survive coronavirus
Published in Trends |Suppliers cannot honour contracts, trade shows are cancelled, employees want to work from home, and you'll just have a product with ‘corona’ in the name. It's all hands on deck for businesses. Entrepreneurs testify how they are solving these eight pressing problems.
By Christophe DelmarcelleHow to protect my staff?
Published in Trends |Hygiene measures, telecommuting, travel restrictions, and even meetings. To keep their staff away from the epidemic, companies are implementing policies that vary in strictness. This is necessary for business continuity, but also a legal obligation.
By Christophe DelmarcelleCovid-19 : Réquisition
Published in l'Echo |McDonald's, Quick, and Burger King announced on Wednesday, March 18, the start of the lockdown, that they would cease their "drive-in" restaurant activities, i.e., takeout services. Was this necessary? Was it civic-minded?
By Christophe DelmarcelleCancellation of cash for cars
Published in L'Echo |The "cash for cars" was announced as the remedy to the company car issue. Through a series of small "one-off" measures, the concept of remuneration has been undermined to the point of creating discrimination between workers.
By Christophe DelmarcelleLying on your CV
Published in Trends |In December, the new CEO of Proximus was accused of having lied on his C. V. In reality, it was his previous employer who had ‘upgraded’ the qualifications of a training course he had taken.
But what does an employee risk if he really has lied about his qualifications?
Social elections and the occult period
Published in l'Echo |Can an employee block his reintegration route?
Published in Trends |Long-term absence and return to work In order to promote the return to work of workers on long-term absence, the legislator has organised a ‘reintegration path’ which can be initiated either by the worker himself or by the...
By Christophe DelmarcelleCan a union representative say or write anything?
Published in Forum for the future |In the current context, union representatives cannot, under the pretext of union freedom, attack certain workers in an insulting and/or defamatory manner, even under the guise of freedom of expression.
By Christophe DelmarcellePour avoir entretenu une relation sur son lieu de travail, le CEO de McDonald's aurait-il pu être licencié en Belgique?
Published in Forum for the future |Complaint against STIB for recruitment discrimination, an update on the issue
Published in Forum for the future |The Société des transports intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB) is facing a discrimination complaint from a lawyer following the rejection of her application for recruitment.
By Christophe DelmarcelleTerrorist risks: how can employers prevent and respond?
Published in Trends |Two weeks ago, we discussed prevention and the attitude to adopt towards a radicalized employee. Here, we address other preventive measures, particularly material ones, in the face of the terrorist risk.
By Christophe DelmarcelleA quand une réforme globale du système fiscal belge ?
Published in Forum for the future |"Impact of the new GDPR on the recruitment and selection process"
Published in LinkedIn |When your association recruits and selects candidates or employees, it receives, collects and processes their personal data for the purpose of assessing their candidacy to the job or position being offered and / or creating a recruitment reserve.
By Christophe DelmarcelleCan a meeting be recorded without the participants knowing?
Published in Trends |An employee is summoned for a meeting with his employer. Can he record the conversation without his knowledge as proof?
By Christophe Delmarcelle"Ghosn case": Is it possible to dismiss an employee for a serious reason based on events in their private life? Does the contract automatically end in the event of an arrest?
Published in La Libre |What is now the "Carlos Ghosn case" is making headlines and raises the question of an employee, like Mr. Ghosn, who would be charged with fraud or even arrested preventively.
By Christophe DelmarcelleSocial Elections of 2020: It’s (Already) Time to Think About Them
Number one taxes on wages, cafeteria plans and misguided ‘ flexible ’ remuneration policies, cash for cars and mobility bonuses, denounced tax rulings ... When the refusal to acknowledge the problem leads to an impasse ...
One should see them these politicians, these lawyers, these specialists in ‘ compensation and benefits “ so happy to sell us the cash-for cars, the mobility premiums, the cafeteria plans, the remuneration with ” points ’ as THE good solution that will please everyone.
By Christophe DelmarcelleWhen recruiters spy on social networks...
Published in Trends |I apply for a job and during the interview I'm told that the company carries out ‘pre-employment’ checks to verify the information on my CV, particularly on the Internet. Is this legal?
By Christophe DelmarcelleCan an employee refuse to shake hands with his female colleagues because of philosophical, religious or even political beliefs?
The ECJ's Judgment in the Barbulescu Case: Truly Something New?
How far can an employer go in monitoring the Internet? On Tuesday, the judges of the Grand Chamber, the highest court of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, handed down a long-awaited ruling on the balance between corporate security and employee privacy.
By Christophe DelmarcelleDidier Bellens counter-attacks
Published in Trends |Following his dismissal by the Belgian state, Didier Bellens is taking Belgacom to the labour court. The proceedings raise a number of questions.
By Christophe DelmarcelleDismissal during sick leave
Since new rules came into force on 1 January, it is no longer possible to dismiss an employee while on sick leave, I hear. Is that right? Then what about the guaranteed salary? Christophe Delmarcelle, a lawyer at the Brussels Bar, answers.
By Christophe DelmarcelleGroup insurance and parental leave
When should I engage a bailiff?
Resignation letter by courier
A one-sided modification of the employment contract is not allowed
My employer unilaterally changed my position. Faced with my refusal, he has threatened to fire me for urgent reasons. Is this possible?
By Christophe Delmarcelle
Unilateral change of position by employer
Stuck in the snow
Wage transfer: under what conditions?
A credit institution sent me a wage transfer notice for one of my employees. Am I obliged to transfer part of his salary to that institution
By Christophe DelmarcelleDoes a filed complaint protect against dismissal?
I was bullied at work and fired, even though I had filed a complaint with the police. Because my employer did not know about my complaint, I would have no protection against dismissal. Is this true?
By Christophe DelmarcelleShould I repay wrongly paid wages?
My employer has miscalculated my salary for years and overpaid me. Can he demand that money back?
By Christophe Delmarcelle