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DEL-Law Newsletter - the Belgian legislation on the protection of whisle-blowers.
Our latest DEL-Law newsletter (in Fr, Dutch and Eng) re the complex and burdensome new procedure for the medical Act of God (Force majeure) in effect since 28 November 2022. With a summary of the main features of the said procedure. A must known for 2023..

Our latest DEL-Law newsletter re the reform of the Belgian labour market (New deal) in effect on 20-11-2022

Newsletter - New Expat regime in Belgium

Privacy – New SCC’s

Covid and telework in Brussels

Ministerial Decree COVID

CLA 149 Teleworking

Unofficial coordination of the Ministerial Order of November 28, 2020, compared to the Ministerial Orders of November 1 and November 30, 2020
Our unofficial coordination of the COVID Ministerial Order of October 18, 2020, with the amendments as applicable on November 28, 2020, and the previous orders of October 18, October 23, October 28, and November 1, 2020, highlighted.
By Christophe Delmarcelle
Extention temporary COVID unemployment measure
By Royal Decree (AR) of 15 July 2020, temporary COVID unemployment measures have just been formally extended for all companies until 30 August 2020.
By Christophe Delmarcelle
COVID-19 - Update
Following the decision of the Belgian government of April 24, 2020 to proceed to a progressive deconfinement in three phases, the ministerial decree (MD) of March 23, 2020 is modified by a MD of May 8, 2020 implementing the phase 1.b as from May 11. The changes can be summarized as follows (see also in the appendix an informal coordination highlighting the changes):
By Christophe Delmarcelle

Social elections - COVID
Given the current lockdown and the expectation that it will last for up to 8 to 12 weeks, the social partners have decided within the G10 group to suspend the social election process at X + 36 (being the day following the communication of the list of candidates to the employer but before the posting of said lists at X + 40).
By Christophe Delmarcelle
Here are a number of quick questions and answers - non-exhaustive - about managing Corona Virus COVID 19 in the workplace noting that under the circumstances the courts might be more "flexible":
By Christophe Delmarcelle
The “Cash for cars” is canceled by the Constitutional Court
In its ruling dated 23 January 2020, the Constitutional Court has annulled the act of 30 March 2018 re the implementation of a mobility allowance being the « cash for cars » or the exchange of the company car for a (cash) mobility allowance.
By Christophe Delmarcelle
Social Elections - Hidden Protection Period for Candidates
Published in l'Echo |By way of remainder, the members of the WC/ CPPW and their replacements as well as the non-elected candidates benefit from a protection against dismissal, which implies that they cannot be dismissed for reasons linked to the exercise of their mandate and a special procedure has to be followed to terminate their employment (even for serious cause). We will not revert here on these very complex and formal procedures.
By Christophe Delmarcelle